Daniel Perkins
4 min readDec 28, 2021


As the Omicron variant spreads what is President likely to do with those not vaccinated and those who are?


Dan Perkins

According to the CDC, the new COVID-19 variant Omicron now has more people infected than the original COVID-19 or the Delta variant. The CDC reports that 1 in 10 hospital service areas scattered across the United States have their intensive care units are at capacity. What percentage of vaccinated people are experiencing breakthrough cases of Omicron, and is it increasing?

A recent CDC report shows that the number of Omicron cases in people fully vaccinated — Google called breakthrough cases — was below 1% of all confirmed cases from January through March 2021. By June, that increased to 6% and then up to 15% from July through September, with some cases in those months still being evaluated. We do not have data for the last 3 months of the year, and Oregon Health reported that the percentage of breakthrough cases was 25% to 29%. Like many reports, we don’t have numbers for December, but I would expect to see an increase in the number of breakthrough cases given the report on cases.

The breakthrough cases will be of the most significant concern with 200 million fully vaccinated if we apply the percentage of 29% to those vaccinated, which is 58 million people who could be breakthrough cases. This is important; the evidence seems to point to the breakthrough cases are with people who are qualified for a booster shot and have not received it. In other words, the percentage of people who are getting Omicron have had the COVID-19 shots is on the rise.

Older people who have not received boosters may be subject to breakthrough cases and may be more vulnerable to getting the Delta or Omicron virus infection. This information brings into play the reliability of the current batch of vaccines. We are approaching 3 in ten who have been vaccinated are getting sick.

It seems that people who have had the shots and die will cause some fear, and depending on how bad it gets, there may well be a panic developing. I believe we are at a point where people are beginning to question the vaccine’s effectiveness. In the high-risk group over 65 and in nursing homes, 6 of 10 have not received their booster shots. As to the general population, 8% have received their booster shots.

If Americans do not get boosters and the vaccine fades away, what is possible? What about the people that have not taken the initial shots? In both of these cases, what could the administration do to try and stop the expansion of the virus? Because of breakthroughs, people are reluctant to get shots?

One option that would be very difficult to sell to the public. I would be to move all the people who have not received their shots that they have until a specific date to get their shots, or they will have to move to government-controlled housing until the pandemic is over. This would mean that most minorities will have to be located in hotels or military bases to isolate the non-vaxed from the general population. The administration is running out of options, and the current executive order for the mandates by the government will be coming before the Court on January 7, 2022. The Court will be given the case about the federal government mandate for masks and shots to the American people. This case may well be a challenge of one branch against the other. A few months ago, the Court was asked to decide if the CDC had the power to make landlords allow tenants and mortgagees to have the right to skip the payment of rent or mortgage payment without penalty.

The Court ruled that the CDC did not have to right to issue laws and said their actions were unconstitutional. The Biden Administration decided to ignore the ruling and forced the CDC rules. It is possible that the administration could reject a court ruling against the mandate rules, should the court rule against the administration.

This is truly a life and death issue, and in my opinion, the Biden administration has done an abysmal job in helping the people get behind this issue. I just finished writing a book on the second world war and how Americans came together to defend the country and the rest of the world from evil. The world is fighting for its survival, and if it can come together, the world will defeat evil. As the cases rise look for Biden to move the responsibility off of his back.

Dan Perkins is a published author of 5 novels on nuclear and biological terrorism against the United States and is a current events commentator for over 35+ news blogs. He appears on radio and TV regularly many times a month. Dan’s shows include, His newest show is “Black and White” on freedom of speech can be heard on Blacksandwhites.us. His Podcast is called “What’s on My Mind?” It can be found on danperkins.guru and Blacksandwhites.us. More information on All things Dan Perkins can be found on his website: danperkins.guru.

